Friday, October 29, 2004

Good thing same-sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts

David Ortiz, where should we honeymoon?


Today's Times has a feature on something that I've been thinking about since Wednesday night, WHEN THE BOSTON RED SOX WON THE WORLD SERIES. Sorry, I just need to see those words in print a few more times to actually believe it.

But really now: What does Red Sox Nation do now that the wait is over? How weird will it be to spend the winter talking retrospectively about the Sox rather than prospectively about how this coming year might be the year?

Maybe we'll enjoy the moment for a few weeks or months. Then maybe we'll turn into Leonard from Memento, subconsciously blocking the memory of this victory to quixotically pursue another John G.

I still just can't believe that I team I support actually won a championship. This sort of thing has never really happened before. (Ok, there was that Cornell/Harvard unbelievable overtime game in Albany in March 2003, but that was just surreal.) I feel like I should call a friend who's a Yankee fan and ask him how to react, but he wouldn't know this feeling.

It's just been an unforgettable October.

Monday, October 18, 2004

I'm gonna invigilate the crap out of tomorrow's midterm

Cheers to this anonymous wag for the title alone. It gives me something to look forward to in my future teaching career.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Frankly, I'd be put off if Michael Moore offered me underwear

"The GOP said Moore also offered students a clean dorm room, a year's supply of Tostitos and a package of Ramen noodles. "

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Note to self:

Pick up antacid before start of tonight's playoffs.