Tuesday, June 08, 2004

blah blah editor's note blah blah

Your author hopes to avoid the acute self-importance of most blogs by keeping posts short, funny, and…well, occasionally relevant. So there will likely be few references to personal acquaintances and few comments on mundane things like what the author had for breakfast this morning or where he does his laundry. If the reader is really interested in such things, there are enough LiveJournals to browse to satisfy her voyeurism.

That said, this whole thing can be seen as an exercise in self-importance since no one is reading it anyway. Perhaps during blog sweeps week, your author will throw in lots of fabricated sexploits a la Washingtonienne to spice things up and attract readership.

While we’re at it, let’s get the identity thing out of the way now since it may explain the content of the site: your author is a 23-year-old male temping it up in New York for another month before he mortgages his future to pursue a PhD. in musicology at McGill University.

And your author promises to stop referring to himself in the third person starting…now.


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