Friday, September 17, 2004

Gin o'clock

Well, the one positive to my long Friday schedule--teach, break, paleography class, break, teach--is that by the time I finish my afternoon tutorial I feel content to just abandon any hope of doing work for the rest of the afternoon or evening. (Class ends at 4:25, and the other TAs and I were joking that we should cut out five minutes early because we had a certain "appointment"...ah, grad students. Sometimes I wonder whose idea it was to put us in charge of teaching undergrads. Probably just the university's way of saving money since they know we'll work for shit wages.) So I come home and crack open the guacamole I made last night and pour myself a nice G&T to get my mind off anything related to mensural notation or clausulae or motets or all that other archaic shit that I intentionally avoided as an undergrad because I wasn't interested in that period of music. And this also means putting on some of that dreaded "popular music"--kiss my ass, Adorno, you don't know what you're dissing--in the form of the new Sansévérino CD which I bought a couple days ago in a music splurge. The album's swingingness kicks me in the pants, and it indulges my francophilia even though I can't quite follow all the argot.

So Mehldau and source-hunting and (ugh) more Adorno reading can wait until tomorrow. The real challenge is going to be generating a concise research proposal out of the Mehldau thing so I can submit it within EIGHTEEN days. I have the feeling I'll be doing some speculating into the wind and filling my bibliography with random Foucault texts that I hope I don't have to read. The more immediate concern is finding a place to watch the Sox/Yanks game tonight.



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