Friday, September 10, 2004

No more late-night burritos for me

Last night I had this dream where someone handed me a newspaper with the banner headline "Bush re-elected." I panicked and ran out into some movie theater and I ran into John Kerry...but he was all fat and disheveled and unshaven and in some grungy flannel shirt.

Then I woke up and realized I had to teach secular monophony in one hour.


At 8:47 AM, September 11, 2004 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of secular monody... there was a section on the history placement exam devoted to troubadours and trouveres. One of the questions read: Describe 'courtly love'. Apparently one student, knowing that he had zero chance of passing the exam, wrote a very, um, 'provocative' response.

At 2:39 PM, September 11, 2004 , Blogger Matt said...

In class, I used the term "courtly love," and clarified that I was not referring to Courtney Love. The undergrads rewarded me with a light chuckle.


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