Wednesday, January 31, 2007

As bitter as the cold...

I've never posted a review to Amazon before, but I felt compelled to defend Generation Debt's honor yesterday because it was being ragged on by older (well, age 35+) folks who didn't understand my generation's pain. My pen hadn't felt so poisonous in ages. It felt good to vent, and it also gave me something to do that wasn't aimlessly cruising online job sites. Part of what motivated me to write was my ongoing awareness of how few decent entry-level jobs are out there for educated people and how job searching is a much more demanding enterprise than it probably once was. But what do I know--I'm just a cranky young'un.

As for the job search, it has had its ups and downs. I had an interview last week for an organization that puts on a big battle-of-the-bands festival, but the job would have been a waste of my talents, even if it did relate to rockin', albeit tangentially.

I was also offered an interview with a life insurance firm yesterday, but turned it down because it would have been for a sales training program and, y'know, it's life insurance. Not for me. Plus, it would have required an hour commute. But I could have seen Ville Saint-Laurent, which, as the setting for Radio-Canada's The Office knockoff La Job, is comparable to Slough or Scranton.


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